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How to earn N$43 750.00 monthly in Dynapharm Namibia

Make money in Dynapharm Namibia - Karrel Hamutenya Updated  World

Since Dynapharm was introduced in Namibia in 2014, we have seen many Namibian joins this company transforming their lives from borrowers to lenders.

Dynapharm is one of the companies that give opportunities to millions of people in the world to prove themselves that hard work is consistently payoff.

There are bunches of benefits within this company which many young people who are not aware of this company are missing. But let me not focus on most of Dynapharm benefits.

In this article, I want to share with you how to earn N$43 750.00 monthly in Dynapharm Namibia.

As I state before, there are many benefits in this company, one of them is that it gives its members seven ways of opportunities to earn money and one of these ways is the one I want to share with you in this article, which is called Fast Track Bonus.

What is Dynapharm Fast Track Bonus?

Dynapharm Fast Track bonus is the money that Dynapharm pays its members for recruiting (registering) others to be distributors. In other businesses, it is called Referral.

This is the best way you can earn huge cash if you are willing to learn and share what you are learning with others because you have to build a network and I will show you how you can build a network that will give you that N$43 750.00 monthly.

One thing you have to know is that in Dynapharm there are ranks and these ranks are held through qualification on points called BVs and your downline members you will recruit (register).

How Dynapharm Fast tack works?

First, Dynapharm just wants you to register only 9 people directly under you but it's advisable to have 5 people first, for easy to manage(help) them. 

How to earn N$43 750.00 Dynapharm Namibia - Karrel Hamutenya Updated World

When you join Dynapharm, you will be given 140BVs. These are some of the terms you have to understand for you to easily catch up with Dynapharm Marketing Plan. 

BVs - stands for Business Value

PSBVs - stands for Personal Sales Business Value, these are the BVs earned through buying products in Dynapharm.

GBVs - stands for Group Business Value, these are the combination of the BVs earned by your downline and yourself.

140PSBV - Fast Track Bonus

280BV - Fast Track + Perfomance Bonus

You find out that within that month you join, end of the month or on the 20th of the month, you will get N$14.00 without selling anything or recruiting (register) anyone.

This is what Dynapharm did to pay you N$14.00. They took your 140BVs that you got when you register and multiple them with 10% and you get N$14.00.

How Dynapahrm pays you N$14.00 - Karrel Hamutenya Updated World

Let us assume, you manage to get 5 people and let us call them Direct Downline, those 5 people will also get the same BVs you get when you joined Dynapharm, 140BVs.

For recruiting (registering) these 5 people in Dynapharm, Dynapharm will thank you for bringing those people into the company and you will be paid for your hardworking.

Here is how you will be paid for those 5 people. Dynapharm will take 140BVs for each of those people under you and multiply it by 8%.

8%x140= N$11.20 from each person. Now if they are five we can multiply N$11.20 with 5 people and we can get N$56.00. N$56.00 is the money you will get within your Direct Downline.

image 2 how to earn N$43 750 in Dynapharm Namibia - Karrel Hamutenya Updated World

I think N$56.00 is not enough for you as a breadwinner, you need to earn more than this. This means you have to expand your network and also remember that your downline also wants to earn just like the way you are earning, then you have to teach them what you did so that they will do the same thing you did.

Once they know what to do, each and every one of those 5 people he/she has to go and recruit 5 people under him/her. Now if all of those 5 people get 5 people each, then they will be 25 people.

Image 3 how earn Fast track Bonus in Dynapharm Namibia - Karrel Hamutenya Updated World

Dynapharm have to thank you for teaching your 5 people to go and recruit others and you will be paid for it. 

Dynapharm will take 140BVs for each of those 25 people and multiply it with 8% just like they did on your Direct Downline. Now, we can say that 8%X140bvs = 11.20. N$11.20x25 people you will get N$280.00

Image 5 - Karrel Hamutenya Updated World

Let us assume that you earn this N$280.00 in the next month of that you earn N$56.00. For you to qualify to earn all the N$14.00, N$56.00 and that N$280.00, you must earn 140PSBVs in that month, and each of your 5 Direct Downline must also earn 140PSBVs, if it is successful happen like that, then we can add up N$14.00+N$56+N$280.00 then you will get N$350.00 in that Month.

How to earn Fast Track Bonus in Dynapharm Namibia Strategy - Karrel Hamutenya Updated World

Those 25 people under your Direct Downline, they also joined Dynapharm to make money, they need to know how to make money just like the way you are making money. Now, since you might not know all of them but if you teach their upline (your direct downline) for them to teach the same strategy to their Direct Downline, they are 100% knows what to do.

So, once they are taught what to do for them to earn Fast Track Bonus, they will go and look for people who are willing to join them or who want to do business like this. Once they found them each of those 25 people will register 5 people just like the way you did when you register your Direct Downline, then they will be 125 people.
Earn make a living with Dynapharm Namibia - Karrel Updated World

Now, in Third Downline you have 125 people because you are a good leader and you share the knowledge of how network business works, Dynapharm will pay you for your hardworking because they are in your network. So, now Dynapharm will still pay you like they are your Direct Downline. They will take their 140BVs and multiply them by 8% and you will get N$11.20 from each of 125 people in your Third Downline.

8%X140BVs = N$11.20. N$11.20X125 people = N$1400.00. 
Dynapharm Namibia - Karrel Hamutenya Updated World

Remember always, yourself to earn  140PSBVs and each of your Direct Downline and Second Downline also to get 140PSBVs, then you will be able to earn N$14.00+56+280+1400.00 = N$1750.00 in a Month.
How to earn N$1750.00 in Dynapharm Namibia Fast Track Bonus - Karrel Hamutenya Updated World

Now, all 125 people joined Dynapharm to make money, they need to know how to earn that N$1750.00 you are earning per month.

So those people who recruit them (Second Downline) must teach them to do what they did and what they were taught when they were recruited (registered) in Dynapharm. Once the strategy is shared, how it works, and how much they can earn, they will go and start to expand their network also.

Let us assume that, each of these 125 people will register 5 people and let us call them your Fourth Downline. In the fourth downline, you will have 625 people.
how to earn N$8750.00 in Dynapharm Namibia - Karrel Hamutenya Updated World

Dynapharm still has to thank you for being a good leader and they will still pay you the same percentage of their BVs as for your Direct Downline, 8%.
8%X140BVs = N$11.20. N$11.20X625 people = N$7000.00. 
Calculate Dynapharm Fast Track Bonus in Namibia - Karrel Hamutenya Updated World

For you to qualify to get this money you must get 140PSBVs, once you get 140PSBVs, encourage each of your Direct Downline, Second Downline and Third Downline to get 140PSBVs, then you will earn N$14.00+56.00+280.00+1400.00+7000 = N$8750.00.

Make N$8750.00 WITH Dynapharm - Karrel Hamutenya Karrel Updated World

Few workers are earning this N$8750.00 per month but for you, this is just one bonus, and you can still increase it if you want.

To make it even more, those 625 people under your Fourth Downline, they didn't join Dynapharm for fun while you are making money, their upline must teach them how they are making money in Dynapharm through fast track bonus. Once they are aware of the processes, they will do the same thing you did with your Direct Downline, each of those 625 people will go and recruit 5 people. If all of them succeed, they will be 3125 people.
Earn N$35 000 in Dynapharm Namibia - Karrel Hamutenya Updated World

End of the month or on the 20th, Dynapharm will thank you for your leadership by paying you the Fast Track bonus.

Still, there will be no changes, you will be paid like those 3125 people are your Direct Downline.

Dynapharm will take each of the 140BVs of those 3125 people and multiply them by 8%. 
8%x140BVs =N$11.20. Now, N$11.20X3125 people = N$35000.00
Make N$43 750.00 with just Fast Track bonus - Karrel Hamutenya Updated World

Always remember, to qualify you must earn 140 PSBVs and encourage your Direct Downline, Second Downline, Third Downline, and Fourth Downline to get 140PSBVs each of them in that month, then you will be able to earn N$14+56+280+1400+7000+35000=N$43 750.00.
Fast Track Bonus in Dynapharm Namibia - Karrel Hamutenya Updated World

You will make more than this, but let me end here, I hope you now understand what is Dynapharm Fast Track bonus is and how to earn it.

Why do some distributors don't make this big money despite having this number of people in their downline?

  • If you did not qualify with 140PSBVs, even if your downline qualify, you will not earn any cent.
  • Every Dynapharm member is required to earn 140PSBVs to qualify for the Fast Track Bonus if one of your downline or you yourself didn't earn 140PSBV.
  • You cannot get all this N$43 750.00 if some of your downlines are not qualified to get 140BVs unless you have more than downline than we calculate here, that's why very important if you share all that you know with them and help them always to archive those 140PSBVs.
  • Some of those people you recruit is not joining Dynapharm for business, they might be joined because they just want to buy Dynapharm products at a discount, so such people may not care about qualifying every month, that's very important to work with business-minded people or try to influence them to work like they are business people.

Remember only through hard work and commitment will earn you this amount of money per month. You must be a helpful leader and always try to learn new things from your leaders as well.

Join my team if you are not yet a Dynapharm member, let us fight to earn N$43 750.00 contact me, I'm ready to help if I can.
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