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What is Dynapharm 2022 Consistency Programme Bonus

Dynapharm 2022 Consistency Programme Bonus

Dynapharm always has something to excite its distributors. Despite, more than five bonuses already available in Dynapharm, this year they introduce one of the best bonuses every Dynapharm distributor will not want to miss, and it's called 2022 Consistency Programme Bonus.

After I was given opportunity to train other distributors at Dynapharm Rundu branch, I realise that many Dynapharm distributors in Namibia are not earning Dynapharm 2022 Consistency Programme Bonus because they don't know how it works.

In this article, I'm going to share with you more about Dynapharm 2022 Consistency Programme Bonus, because I'm among of those who first earn this bonus since it was introduced in Namibia.

Dynapharm Consistency Programme Bonus winner

What is Dynapharm Consistency Programme Bonus?

Dynapharm 2022 Consistency Programme Bonus is the bonus earn for qualifying for three consecutive months on a certain amount of PSBVs (Personal Sales Business Volume). PSBVs are BVs earned directly from your NB number, you can earn them by selling Dynapharm products or by buying them for yourself. 2022 Consistency Programme Bonus is for all Dynapharm distributors all you need to do is to qualify with your PSBVs.

There are three options available, 280PSBV, 840PSBV, and 1400PSBV. See the table below.
Dynapharm Consistency Programme Bonus
As shown in the picture above. There are three options you need to choose from. 

Dynapharm 2022 Consistency Programme Bonus is available to all Dynapharm distributors. It's the program that's running the whole year, starting from January to December 2022.

All of these options come with products and cash depending on the categories where your PSBV qualified e.g 280, 840, and 1400PSBV.

How does Dynapharm 2022 Consistency Programme Bonus is paid?

Let us start with option 1 for 280PSBV, if you target this, after your first consecutive three months you will get N$140.00, and one box for Tongkat Ali coffee.

Option 2: If you target to get 840PSBV in your first consecutive three months, you will be able to earn N$420.00, one box for Tongkat Ali coffee and one Chlorophyll plus guarana for 500ml.

Option 3: Let us assume that you make more sales and your target to reach 1400PSBV, after your first consecutive three months you will get N$700, two boxes for Tongkat Ali coffee, and one Chlorophyll plus Guarana 500ml.

Between those three options, you have to choose one. Make sure you didn't miss one month.

All of that money and products you will get are yours whether you will resell them or use them yourself with your family, it's up to you.

That's not the end, Dynapharm 2022 Consistency Programme Bonus will run until December 2022, once you complete your first consecutive three months target the second Consistency Programme Bonus.

In the Second Consecutive three months, the reward is different and better than for the first consecutive three months.

Option 1: for 280PSBV. If you still succeed to keep getting 280PSBV for another three consecutive months, you will now be able to earn, N$280.00 and two Tongkat Ali coffee.

Option 2: for 840PSBV. If your target is 840psbv per month and you successfully get it in the second consecutive three months, you will be able to earn N$700.00, two Tongkat Ali coffee, and one Chlorophyll plus guarana for 500ml.

Option 3: for 1400PSBV. If your target is to earn 1400 PSBV each month like the previous three months, you will be able to earn. N$1050.00, Two Tongkat Ali coffee, and two Chlorophyll plus guarana 500ml.

It goes up to the fourth consecutive three months for those who started in January. But if you want to start now, still there are chances to catch up on some of those consecutive three months. See the table above.

This program applies to all Dynapharm distributors. The best part is that you will still keep on getting your regular bonuses every month with the same BVs.

If you are not a member yet, don't hesitate to contact me here to join my team with ambition to achieve the goal of financial freedom.
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