I thought being a Network Marketer is all about promoting a company's products and making money but after joining Dynapharm, I realise that it's more than just being a salesman or marketing agency.
In the Network Marketing business, there is fun, entertainment, and lifetime education. If you had followed me on social media, you may see posts of Dynapharm Distributors I shared for those who won things like phones, fridges, TVs, money, and many more. In 2023, it will be even better than in 2022.
In this article, I want to share with you four Dynapharm promotions for 2023. If you did not join Dynapharm yet, you have to do so now. Click here to read more about how to join Dynapharm.
Four Dynapharm promotions for 2022
1. Cash incentive promotions
2. Dubai Trip promotion
3. Laptop Promotion
4. Fast Track promotion
Cash Incentive promotion: Cash incentive is a promotion replaced Consistent Bonus. This is a bonus you can win after getting a certain amount of BVs. While with Consistent promotion there were three options, with the Cash incentive promotion, there is only one option.
To win the Cash Incentive promotion you have to get 2100 PSBVs in three consecutive months and register two new distributors each month, if you do it, you will be able to win N$2800 cash.
This is the promotion that is running from January 2023 to December 2023.
This promotion applies to distributors' ranks only.
Dubai Trip: Dubai Trip promotion is for those who want to travel the world. This promotion has more than two options.
Laptop Promotion: Laptop promotion is a promotion that is running for four months starting from January to April 2023.
To win this promotion you must get 1400 PSBVs, register at least three new distributors per month in three months, and one of your direct downlines or leg must give you 8400BVs with his people (8400GBVs) in three consecutive months.
This promotion is applicable starting from the rank of a distributor to Ruby rank only.
Fast Track promotion: Fast Tack promotion is running starting from January to December 2023, it is paid monthly.
Your first level must at least have five people, and each of these five people must get 140 PSBVs.
In your second level, you must have at least 25 people, and each of these 25 people must get 140 PSBVs.
If you will do that, you will be able to get the money that is shown in the picture. The reward is increased every month you do it again. Watch the video here.
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