Uebert Angel bank account is frozen

Uarbert Angel Account Freeze

Uebert Angel, a British-Zimbabwean businessman, has stirred up controversy due to his alleged involvement in fraudulent activities, money laundering, and racketeering.

This came to light when undercover journalists captured footage of him arranging to smuggle gold and cash using his diplomatic passport. 

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe's Financial Intelligence Unit has frozen the assets of individuals involved in the gold mafia scandal, such as prophet Uebert Angel, and arrests are expected to follow.

This action confirms the Reserve Bank Zimbabwe's firm stance against money laundering, as they are closely monitoring suspicious activities that could expose the alleged gold mafia's money laundering schemes.

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Confidential sources at the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe report that the assets of individuals involved in gold smuggling, bribery, money laundering, and other corrupt activities have been frozen.

Not many years ago, when Prophet Uebert Angel's spiritual son, prophet Shepherd Bushiri was arrested for similar accusations in South Africa before he scape to his original country Malawi.

This is a develop story, stay tuned for more information!

Karrel Hamutenya

News articles writer, covering topics such as sports news, celebrity news, product reviews, and business reviews.

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