Sam Nujoma urged youth to take responsibility

Founding President and Father of the Nation, stated that the responsibility of defending and upholding the nation's territorial integrity and national sovereignty

During the reunion of the Namibia Exile Kids Association (NEKA) at Omutsegwondjaba village in the Oshikoto Region, Sam Nujoma, the Founding President and Father of the Nation, stated that the responsibility of defending and upholding the nation's territorial integrity and national sovereignty should rest on the youth.

While acknowledging that the SWAPO Party has made significant strides in creating a better nation for all people since gaining independence.

Nujoma believes that more work still needs to be done, particularly in empowering young people who are struggling with issues such as unemployment, and insufficient access to housing, and education.

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Nujoma commended the SWAPO Party-led government's efforts to address these deeply ingrained issues and create a favourable policy environment for the youth to take advantage of key opportunities in entrepreneurship and other sectors, such as agriculture, which has the potential to boost the economy, create jobs, and reduce poverty.

He noted that the government has diversified the economy and is supporting local content and innovative opportunities for the youth to transform their lives and the country's future. 

Karrel Hamutenya

News articles writer, covering topics such as sports news, celebrity news, product reviews, and business reviews.

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