Kenya aims to improve the dairy industry in the region

Kenya ban maize and wheat

President William Ruto has taken a decisive step to stabilize agricultural prices in the country by prohibiting millers from obtaining permits to import wheat and maize. This action, he stated, is primarily intended to safeguard the interests of local farmers.

The president emphasized that the government will only consider straying from this directive in cases of insufficient local produce, and in such instances, they have earmarked $27 million to purchase maize from farmers.

Kenya ban maize and wheat

In a bid to minimize post-harvest losses due to excessive moisture, President Ruto also announced the utilization of National Cereals and Produce Board dryers, which will be available to farmers at a nominal fee of $0.34 for drying their maize.

Furthermore, as part of efforts to enhance milk quality and bolster prices, President Ruto revealed plans for the construction of a Kenya Co-operative Creamers milk plant in Narok, as reported by Capital FM.

This strategic move aims to improve the overall dairy industry in the region.
Karrel Hamutenya

News articles writer, covering topics such as sports news, celebrity news, product reviews, and business reviews.

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