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Thank you for paying our bills - Michael Amushelelo

Courage The Comedian

Michael Amushelelo, the activist who had been facing financial hardships since his arrest in March 2023, expressed his gratitude towards a generous benefactor, Courage.

Amushelelo had previously reached out to the public for assistance, citing his financial struggles and the desire to take his wife on a vacation. While he did not specify the vacation date or whether he received help following his plea. 

Recently, Amushelelo took to social media to extend his appreciation to Courage, a comedian, for not only inviting him and his beautiful wife, Julieta, to a comedy show but also for covering their expenses. His post exuded happiness, as he stated:

"Courage the comedian, my beautiful wife Julieta and I would like to thank you for inviting us to your comedy show and for paying our bill, seeing that I am still broke." The post read.

He also shared a photo capturing the joyous moments of the evening, expressing his enjoyment of the show and encouraging Courage to continue with his outstanding work, saying:

 "The show was awesome, and we love it. Keep up the great work."

Michael Amushelelo, wife and courage

While the post from Amushelelo radiated gratitude and happiness, it elicited a mix of reactions from his followers, some of whom shared their thoughts in response.

One user commented: "We are all broke but we don’t promote it!"

Another user said: "Every post is broke, broke🤣🤣 I feel for you really imagine that time you'll post that your bank balance is like a cellphone number than to this ayee you'll be depressed 😔 you informed us when you had balance like cell number still keep updating us with broke broke"

Michael Amushelelo was released from prison on the 12 October 2023 after the court found him not guilty.
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