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Amushelelo to whip the pastors if they will not do the right thing

Amushelelo to whip the pastors if they will not do the right thing

Michael Amushelelo informed the Foursquare Pastors that he would come to whip them with Holy fire.

Since Amushelelo joined the Neff political party, he has become the shoulder to lean on for many workers in Namibia.

Employees at Liberty Heritage School, a private institution in Ongwediva owned by Foursquare Pastors Festus Negumbo and his wife Laina Negumbo, have also followed a similar path.

According to a post shared on social media, workers are complaining about being underpaid, with some earning as little as N$4,000.00 per month.

The post also state that there's unfair treatment in case of payment, some workers with the same qualifications get paid better payment than others.

"There is a lot of favoritism, and individuals can be fired for becoming pregnant out of wedlock, as it is considered a sin. Moreover, people with the same qualifications and experience, teaching the same class, receive different salaries (e.g., one may get N$3,500.00 while another receives N$8,000.00)."

In response, Michael warned the school owner to rectify the situation or face the consequences of being chastised with Holy fire.

"Kindly inform these fake pastors that they should start compensating their teachers appropriately and treating them with respect. Otherwise, The People’s General will intervene and chastise them with the Holy fire 🔥," Amushelelo posted.


In recent video posted on his Facebook page, he was seen in demanding salary increasement for a Chinese worker.

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