In a tragic incident on December 31, 2024, a road accident near Kapiri Mposhi, Zambia, claimed four lives, including renowned musician Wesley Chibambo, known as Dandy Krazy, and his backing vocalist, Chris Jews. The collision involved a Shackman truck and two other vehicles. The driver of the truck, Mr. Hachalwa Lweendo, 28, of Makeni Township, Lusaka, has since surrendered to the authorities and is cooperating with ongoing investigations.
Shackman truck |
Dandy Krazy, aged 47, was immediately transported to the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) in Lusaka, where he underwent emergency surgery. Despite the medical team's efforts, he succumbed to his injuries in the early hours of January 2, 2025. Nzeba Chanda, Public Relations Officer at UTH-Adult Hospital, confirmed his passing and extended condolences to his family and the public.
President Hakainde Hichilema paid tribute to the late musician, describing him as an "extraordinary artist" whose "music and charisma touched lives far and wide, crossing all boundaries and bringing people together."
Dandy Krazy |
Dandy Krazy was celebrated for his influential music career, notably his hit song "Donchi Kubeba," which played a significant role in Zambia's 2011 general elections. His passing marks a substantial loss to the Zambian music industry and his global fan base.
The accident also resulted in the deaths of three other individuals, including Chris Jews, who was Dandy Krazy's backing vocalist and an upcoming artist.
The Zambia Police Service has commended Mr. Lweendo for taking responsibility by surrendering himself and is conducting further investigations to determine the exact cause of the accident. The public is urged to exercise caution on the roads to prevent such tragedies in the future.
Funeral arrangements for Dandy Krazy and the other victims are underway, with the government pledging assistance to the bereaved families during this difficult time.