Meta, the parent company of WhatsApp, has announced that the popular messaging app will no longer be supported on 18 Android models and 3 iPhone models starting 1 January 2025. The decision is part of WhatsApp’s regular updates to ensure the app remains secure, functional, and compatible with newer devices and operating systems.
The first phase of compatibility changes will see WhatsApp ceasing support for devices running Android’s KitKat OS and older versions. Users of affected devices will no longer be able to load the app from that date.
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Affected Android Devices
The following Android devices will lose support on 1 January 2025:
Samsung: Galaxy S3, Galaxy Note 2, Galaxy Ace 3, Galaxy S4 Mini
Motorola: Moto G (1st Gen), Razr HD, Moto E 2014
HTC: One X, One X+, Desire 500, Desire 601
LG: Optimus G, Nexus 4, G2 Mini, L90
Sony: Xperia Z, Xperia SP, Xperia T, Xperia V
iPhone Changes in May 2025
The compatibility updates will extend to iPhones later in the year. Starting 5 May 2025, WhatsApp will stop working on iOS versions earlier than 15.1. While some older iPhones can be updated to a compatible iOS version, devices such as the iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus, which only support iOS 12.5.7, will no longer be able to use WhatsApp.
What Should Users Do?
Users of affected devices are encouraged to check their operating system versions and consider upgrading to a newer smartphone to continue enjoying WhatsApp’s services. These updates are a crucial part of keeping the app secure and providing optimal functionality for users worldwide.
For further details, visit WhatsApp’s support page or contact your device manufacturer.