Amupanda is fighting a lonely battle against the powerful white monopoly capital allied to elitist blacks – Fundo Harris
Fundo Harris

Swapo and IPC are against the removal of the red line yet the majority of their voters want it removed. Both Swapo and IPC pander to white interests. I foresee AR eating more votes from these parties in the upcoming regional and local elections. At least there are some comrades in Swapo who are taking the risk and publicly supporting Amupanda but the IPC is conspicuously silent.  After all, rumours are that they are funded by Europeans. IPC is on record saying that it doesn’t believe in ancestral land claims. 

Amupanda is fighting a lonely battle against the powerful white monopoly capital allied to elitist blacks. Who in pan Africanism we call “Negropeans”. Black people who are hell bent to maintain white privilege in exchange for economic crumbs. Frantz Fanon and Carter G. Woodson in their books “the wretched of the earth” nd ” the Miseducation of the Negro” discusses this boot licking behaviour by elitist blacks. 
As a communal farmer with a sizable number of cattle I always get angry when I sale my beasts to either meatco or local butcheries. Imagine spending thousands of dollars on feed, vaccines and supplements on your herd only to sell it to meatco or local butcheries for a paltry 4000nad. While whites South of the red lines sell theirs for about 15k. This is unfair. 
And to our fellow tribes residing South of the red line, this issue should not divide us. This is not a north-south issue. Rather its a national issue that affects us all. The majority of us northerners equate the struggle for the removal of the red line to your struggle for reparations for the genocide against Germany.  Both the reparation and the the red line issues are historical injustices that we black people must collectively tackle. There are issues that have robbed us of our dignity and continue to deprive us of our economic opportunities.  
I have steadfastly supported the Herero-Nama claims for reparations against Germany as I fully understand the legacy of that atrocity. I have also argued on many occasions for Hereros, Namas, San and Damaras to be prioritised whenever govt buys land for redistribution. Its a known fact that we Zambezians,  Kavangos,  and Wambos never lost any land due to colonialism. Therefore arguing for the red line to remain by some members from the southern tribe is a betrayal to your northern brothers and sisters.  
I personally understand government’s concerns regarding potential economic ramifications in the event the red line is removed. I also understand the cost of eventually removing the red line. However, what the govt can do in the interim is to at least allow us to bring limited amounts of meat products from the North until the issue of the red line is resolved. Surely there are measures that can be put in place to ensure that such meat products are safe and do not carry any diseases. And us Zambezians are the most affected when it comes to the red line. There are times when we are not even allowed to bring mangoes and other plant products for our own consumption South of the red line. 
Moreover,  I am not in any way anti white rather I have this hatred for white supremacy and white privilege. 34 years after independence the majority blacks can’t still be servants of white interests. Those who died in the first liberation war (1904-1907) led by Samuel Maharero and Hendrick Witbooi and the second liberation war (1966-1990) gave their lives for black people to enjoy their natural resources and not pander to white supremacy. 
The red line must fall. Germany must pay reparations to affected communities. Our resources,  our country,  black progress, black dignity. Africa for Africans.  The jihad continues.
Article is entirely credited Fundo Harris
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